Installation instructions

Companion valves Generation III (HC)

C OMPANION VALVES GEN III (HC) - Installation instructions –

The self-locking P LUG - N -C OOL ®

Installing the stop valves PSF- … M/F on 45° SAE flare fittings Copper sealing rings are already pressed captive into the fittings. After removing the protective caps, check that the copper seals are seated cor rectly.  The stop valve has to be screwed hand-tight onto the counterpart with the same thread and flare type (see EN 378-2). Ensure alignment along the axis. 

companion valves of Generation III are used in conjunction with copper pipes or flexible lines for the secure connect ion of components in refrigeration and heat pump systems with the refrigerant R290 in combination with mineral oil, PAG or POE. Use with other hydrocarbons and oils is only permitted after consultation with Cold Solutions. X-rings and O-rings made of fluoro rubber ensure a wide temperature range and chemical resistance.

Installing the stop valves PSF- … M/F with soldering socket • Before soldering, wrap a damp cloth around the

 The stop valves must be tightened with the torque according to the table using a torque wrench:

valve body to prevent the seals from overheating. • The ingress of moisture or



1/4" SAE 3/8“ SAE 1/2" SAE 5/8“ SAE 3/4" SAE

14 – 18 33 – 42 50 – 62 63 – 77

foreign bodies into the stop valves have to be avoided.

• The flame must not be pointed directly at the valve body. • To prevent impurities from entering the refrigeration circuit, brazing should be carried out when using shielding gas.

90 – 110 Tighten the stop valves using open-end and torque wrenches (size I PSF-...F WS 15 / PSF-...M WS 16; size II PSF- ...F WS 17 / PSF-...M WS 18).

Connecting the mating, self-locking stop valves

Option B When the internal and external threads are correctly joined up to the stop, the valves are screwed together using screw and torque wrenches with the fol lowing torques:

Cross hole With lock (or spring pin)

Size I 34 Nm (±3 %),

Size II 40 Nm (±3 %).

After removing the protective caps from both valves, screw the valves on the re frigerant lines hand-tight as far as they will go onto the mating fittings on the components. Make sure that the stop valves are visu ally in good condition, free of foreign particles (sand, etc.) and that the valves are aligned with each other. Option A When the internal and external threads are hand-tightened together as far as they will go, the enclosed spring pin is pushed into one of the three cross holes until it clicks into place. The spring pin can be replaced by a single-use lock PS-LD(W)*1 (optionally available) to prevent the fittings from separating unnoticed. Special tools are required to open these locks (see EN 317-1:2018-4, point 3.1.7).

We always recommend option A . This prevents accidental overstressing of the material and its possible conse quences (see CS Newsletter 2023-I).  Connections may only be sub jected to forces resulting from the pres sure of the system and the connection being made. It has to be ensured that no tensile, bending or torsional forces act on the connection from the outside. Mass or tensile/compressive forces that may occur during assembly, handling, transportation, operation or mainte nance have also to be taken into ac count. Pipings with flared connections must be adequately secured (cf. EN 378-2:2018-04).

* 1 to meet the requirements of EN 378 1, No. 3.1.7 for (hermetically) sealed systems

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