Advantages of the „Plug -n- Cool“ - companion valves

environmentally friendly use and handling of refrigerants.

• When using the self-closing companion valves, defec- tive components can easily be replaced during ongoing operations. This provides great added value for users, as there is minimal interruption to operations. • The refrigeration circuit is never opened during a replacement, it is only separated. This means that no refrigerant needs to be extracted and refilled going to great expense. Extracting always entails polluting the environment. • With Cold Solutions‘ Plug -n-Cool solutions, both sides of the self-closing stop valves can be closed and only then can the defective components connected in between be replaced.

• These certified fittings can be used with all types of refrigerants, including hydrocarbons. The quality of the fittings is carefully monitored on an ongoing basis by internal tests and external service providers. • And most importantly ,Cold Solutions‘ modern Plug- n-Cool companion valves also have extremely low leakage rates and a high level of reliability. • For you as a manufacturer of commercial refrigerator and freezer units, the use of Cold Solutions‘ Plug-n- Cool companion valves gives you added value and a competitive edge, as your customers benefit from the most up-to-date solutions available.

• This translates into efficient, safe and

Ningbo Hcool Fittings Co., Ltd.

Luguang Qiao Industrial Zone Hengxi Town Yinzhou District Ningbo Zhejiang | P.R. of China

phone +86 574 8735620-0 | phone +86 574 87130975

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